Friday, July 9, 2010


As I was looking through my old parenting magazines--you know, the ones that I haven't had time to read, and are now bathroom reading material--I found a few gems and had to put them in here.

"It's funny that no matter what your status is at work or in the outside world, when you come home, you are still the person who cleans up your kid's poops."

And this is a good one for the modern mom:

"My 3 year old daughter was playing tea party one afternoon, and her nana asked if there was pretend hot chocolate in her teapot.  She answered, "No, its a grande, nonfat chai".  Personally I don't know what that is, but I don't drink coffee either.

I read another story on playdate nightmares and the wild child from hell, alias other parents that have different parenting structures. (I've not experienced playdates yet). For instance, the other mom that keeps the tv on all the time, or lets the kids jump on the furniture, or surf unsupervised.  Rides bikes without a helmet.  Lets the kids pull heads off barbies and throw them across the room.  Has an unlocked gate to the pool (the kids won't go through it).  Is this what I have to look forward too?

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